Radio Wiring Information

LEGACY PRODUCT NOTICE:  Our BayPac modem series (BP-1, BP-2, BP-2M and BP-96A) is no longer supported beyond the information found below and on other related pages of our website.  This is due to the fact that these modems have not been compatible with any version of Windows released in the last ~20 years, and have been replaced by much more capable hardware (SignaLink USB).



NOTE:  This page contains radio wiring information for our BayPac series modems.  This information can also be used with the RTX-12 telemetry modem since it has the same radio interface (cable and HT jumper) as the BayPac.  Note that this information does NOT apply to any of our other products (RTX-12OEM, RTX-24, etc.).


This wiring information should only be used as a general guide!  Tigertronics has not verified the correctness of all of these entries.  Many have been submitted by customers who may have made an error.  Double check this information against your radio's manual before doing the actual installation.

Remember that it's possible to DAMAGE YOUR RADIO or BayPac by incorrectly installing it!


Handheld Radios (HTs)

Before you attempt to operate packet with your HT, be sure to see the Using Handheld Radios section of our  BayPac Troubleshooting Page for some important tips.  They could save you considerable time and frustration!

IMPORTANT:  There is really no "standardized" approach for connecting the PTT line to handhelds. The following information applies to most (but not all) models by the manufacturers mentioned. Please note that with the shunt installed, you are using the BayPac's "internal" keying resistor.


Base / Mobile Radios

There seems to be a total lack of standardization for pin-outs on mobile and base station mic connectors. There is even a lack of consistency within the same manufactures models in some cases.

Many newer radios have a pin on the mic connector called "audio out". If you use this pin to drive the BayPac, be sure it is "high level" (speaker) audio. Some radios provide only low level (100 mv typ.) audio output. This level is not nearly enough for the BayPac to receive properly. If this is the case with your radio, you should use the audio from the external speaker plug (or rewire the mic connector for high level audio). The simplest way to check the audio level is to connect a speaker to it. If it is loud like the internal speaker, it is "high level" and will drive the BayPac properly.

A few of the older radios (particularly old HF radios) have high voltage on the PTT line and/or draw heavy PTT current. If you think yours could be one of these, you may need to key the PTT with a small relay to avoid burning up the PTT keying transistor in the BayPac. This is a very rare case, but if you suspect that it could be a problem, you might want to consult our tech support staff before proceeding with the installation.

ALINCO - Most Alinco handhelds have a 2.5mm STEREO plug for the mic and a 3.5mm STEREO plug for the speaker. YOU MUST use stereo plugs, even though you are not using the extra connections. Note that the "ring" of the mic connector is +5 volts (don't connect to anything).

    Single Plug Types (2.5mm stereo): DJ-120

    Wires:    Blk - Sleeve
                  Red - No Connection
                  Grn - Tip
                  Yel - Ring

    Shunt: Installed

    Two Plug Types (2.5mm & 3.5mm stereo) 

    Wires:     Blk - Body of speaker plug
                   Red - No Connection
                   Grn - Tip of speaker plug
                   Yel - Tip of mic plug

    Shunt: Installed

ICOM - PTT is normally activated by grounding the mic input through a resistor. The internal resistor in the BayPac should work just fine.  CAUTION:  Check your radio manual before you wire-up your HT.  Most ICOM handhelds use mono plugs, but some require stereo plugs.  The IC-281 for example, requires that both plugs be stereo. 

    One Plug Types (2.5mm stereo)

    Wires:     Blk - Sleeve
                   Red - No Connection
                   Grn - Tip
                   Yel - Ring

    Shunt: Installed

    Two Plug Types (See the warning above about the use of mono and stereo plugs)

    Wires:     Blk - Body of speaker plug
                   Red - No Connection
                   Grn - Tip of speaker plug
                   Yel - Tip of mic plug

    Shunt: Installed

KENWOOD - (TH22AT, etc.) Most Kenwood HTs do not require a resistor for the PTT. You should connect the PTT line (red) to the "sleeve" of the mic connector.  You would expect this to be ground - but it isn't! Note that the mic connector is a "stereo" plug. DO NOT connect anything to the "TIP" of the connector since it is connected to +5 volt power. The mic connection (yellow) should connect to the "ring" contact on the plug (not "sleeve" or "tip").

    Wires:     Blk - Body of speaker plug
                   Red - Sleeve of mic connector
                   Grn - Tip of speaker plug
                   Yel - Ring of mic connector

    Shunt: Do not install

RADIO SHACK - (HTX-202, HTX-404) Wired the same as ICOM. This radio does not receive as well as some others on packet. The problem is that the radio's audio frequency response rolls off too soon and distorts the high tone. If you have trouble receiving other stations and you've gone through all of the troubleshooting steps (Use a Boot-Disk, etc.), then you might want to swap out the radio to see if the receive problem goes away. If you have to use this radio on packet, then use the best antenna that you can, and make sure that the Battery Save feature is turned off.

STANDARD - (C-178A) Wired the same as ICOM.

YAESU - (FT-470, VX-1R, FT-50) PTT is normally activated by grounding the mic input through a resistor. The internal resistor in the BayPac should work just fine. 

    Wires:     Blk - Body of speaker plug (usually 3.5mm)
                   Red - No Connection
                   Grn - Tip of speaker plug
                   Yel - Tip of mic plug (usually 2.5mm)

    Shunt: Installed

NOTE: For the VX-1R and FT-50, the mic and speaker connectors mentioned above must be plugged into Yaesu's CT-44 adapter (available from Yaesu or your dealer).  If you do not have this adapter, you can NOT use a regular 3-conductor stereo plug - it will NOT work!


Base / Mobile Radios



8 Pin Connector

    Models:  ALR-22HT, ALD-24T, ALR-22T, ALR-72T, DR-110T, DR-112T, DR-150,
                  DR-430T, DR-510T, DR-570T, DR-590T, DR-592T, DR-599T, DR-600T, DX-70T

    Wires:     Blk - Pins #7 & #8 (Gnd)
                   Red - Pin #2 (PTT)
                   Grn - Pin #6 (External speaker plug on some models)
                   Yel - Pin #1 (Mic)



8 Pin Connector

Models:       PCS 5000, PCS 6000, PCS 7000

    Wires:     Blk - Pin #2 (Gnd)
                   Red - Pin #7 (PTT)
                   Grn - External speaker plug
                   Yel - Pin #1 (Mic)

12 Pin Connector

    Models:   PCS 2000

    Wires:     Blk - Pins #2 & #11 (Gnd)
                   Red - Pin #9 (PTT)
                   Grn - External speaker plug
                   Yel - Pin #12 (Mic)



4 Pin Connector

    Models:   IC-202, IC-215, IC-22S, IC-245, IC-280, IC-402, IC-502

    Wires:     Blk - Pin #4 (Gnd)
                   Red - Pin #2 (PTT)
                   Grn - External speaker plug
                   Yel - Pin #1 (Mic)

8 Pin Connector

    Models:   IC-1201, IC-1271, IC-1275, IC-228, IC-229, IC-22U, IC-2400, IC-25,
                   IC-2500, IC-255, IC-260, IC-27, IC-271, IC-28, IC-290, IC-3200, IC-3210,
                   IC-3220, IC-37A, IC-38A, IC-375, IC-45, IC-47, IC-471, IC-475, IC-48,
                   IC-490, IC-505, IC-551, IC-560, IC-575, IC-707, IC-720, IC-725, IC-726,
                   IC-728, IC-729, IC-730, IC-735, IC-737, IC-740, IC-745, IC-751, IC-761,
                   IC-765, IC-781, IC-901

    Wires:     Blk - Pin #6,#7 (Gnd)
                   Red - Pin #5 (PTT)
                   Grn - External speaker plug (Pin #8 on some models)
                   Yel - Pin #1 (Mic)

RJ-45 Connector

    Models: IC-706, IC-706 MK-II, IC-2000

    Wires:     Blk - Pin #7 (Gnd)
                   Red - Pin #4 (PTT)
                   Grn - Pin #3 (RX Audio)
                   Yel - Pin #6 (Mic)

NOTE: On some radios Pin #3 is a low level audio output (100-300mv) and will NOT work properly with the BayPac. On these radios you'll need to use the external speaker output.



Data Port

    Models:   TM-V733A, TM-451, TM-251

    Wires:     Blk - Pin #2
                   Red - Pin #3
                   Grn - External Speaker
                   Yel - Pin #1

4 Pin Connector

    Models:   TR-2200, TR-2300, TR-7400, TS-120, TS-130, TS-490, TS-520, TS-530 

    Wires:     Blk - Pins #3 & #4 (Gnd)
                   Red - Pin #2 (PTT)
                   Grn - External speaker plug
                   Yel - Pin #1 (Mic)

5 Pin Connector


    Wires:     Blk - Pins #4 & #5
                   Red - Pin #2 (PTT)
                   Grn - External speaker plug
                   Yel - Pin #1 (Mic)

6 Pin Connector

    Models:  TR-7730, TR-7750, TR-7800, TR-7930, TR-7950, TR-9000, TR-9130, TR-9500

    Wires:     Blk - Pin #6 (Gnd)
                   Red - Pin #2 (PTT)
                   Grn - External speaker plug
                   Yel - Pin #1 (Mic)

8 Pin Connector

    Models:   TM-201, TM-221, TM-231, TM-241, TM-2530, TM-2550, TM-2570,
                   TM-321, TM-331, TM-3530, TM-401, TM-421, TM-441, TM-531,
                   TM-541, TM-621, TM-631, TR-3200, TR-50, TR-751, TR-851, TS-140,
                   TS-430, TS-440, TS-450, TS-670, TS-680, TS-690, TS-701, TS-711,
                   TS-780, TS-790, TS-811, TS-850, TS-930, TS-940, TS-950, TW-4000,

    Wires:     Blk - Pin #8 (Gnd)
                   Red - Pin #2 (PTT)
                   Grn - External speaker plug
                   Yel - Pin #1 (Mic)



5-Pin DIN

    Models:   MFJ-8621

    Wires:     Blk - Pin #2 (Gnd)
                   Red - Pin #3 (PTT)
                   Grn - Pin #4 (AFSK Out)
                   Yel - Pin #1 (AFSK In)

NOTE: The MFJ-8621 must be configured specifically for 1200 baud operation (see the MFJ-8621 manual). Also, because the radio provides an un-squelched output, the software that you use must have "Software DCD". To enable Software DCD in the BayCom program, use the command "MODE 0 1200C".



RJ-45 Connector

    Models:   HTX-212, HTX-242

    Wires:     Blk - Pin #2 (Gnd)
                   Red - Pin #6 (PTT)
                   Grn - External Speaker
                   Yel - Pin #5 (Mic)



Data Port

    Models:   FT-3000, FT-8100, FT-8500

    Wires:     Blk - Pin #2 (Gnd)
                   Red - Pin #3 (PTT)
                   Grn - External Speaker
                   Yel - Pin #1 (Mic)

4 Pin Connector


    Wires:     Blk - Pin #1 (Gnd)
                   Red - Pin #3 (PTT)
                   Grn - External speaker plug
                   Yel - Pin #2 (Mic)

8 Pin Connector

    Models:   FT-840, FT-990, FT-2200

    Wires:     Blk - Pin #7 (Gnd)
                   Red - Pin #6 (PTT)
                   Grn - Pin #4 (External speaker plug on some models)
                   Yel - Pin #8 (Mic)

    Models:   FT-2400, FT-2500

    Wires:     Blk - Pin #5 (Gnd)
                   Red - Pin #3 (PTT)
                   Grn - Pin #2 (External speaker plug on some models)
                   Yel - Pin #4 (Mic)

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