Communication Program Setup Instructions
(SignaLink USB only)

Our Technical Support Staff is often asked how to configure various sound card communication programs for use with the SignaLink USB.  While our printed manual has always provided general guidelines for doing this, we have never attempted to provide detailed instructions for any specific program because there are simply too many, and it's really the responsibility of the end user to learn how to use the particular program that they are interested in.  While we will not be taking on the responsibility of providing support for third party programs (you'll need to contact the program's author for that!), we have decided to provide specific setup instructions for some of the programs that we are most often asked about.

You will find setup instructions for these programs listed below.  If you do not find the particular program that you are interested in, then please see the "General Setup Instructions" section.  The instructions there can be applied to virtually any program if you just take a little time to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts, as well as the program's menu's and Help file.  Please note that we will expand the contents of this page as time allows, but Tigertronics is NOT responsible for providing support for any third party software.  This information is provided "as is" for your convenience only, and without warranty of any kind.  If you need further assistance with any third party program, then you will need to contact that program's author, or a related internet forum, or support group for help.

Most of the instructions shown below assume that the communication program you want to use has already been installed on your computer and is actively running.  If you do not know how to download, install, or run software on your computer, then you will need to seek help from a friend or the internet.  We cannot teach you how to do this.

The below instructions typically cover only those setup options that directly relate to the operation of the SignaLink and are required for it to function.  Setup options that do not affect the operation of the SignaLink are usually not covered, and in virtually all cases, a program's default setting for these options is what you want to use.  Most programs will also require you to set other parameters such as your Callsign, QTH, etc., so please refer to the program's Help documentation, or an appropriate internet forum if you're not sure what else needs to be configured.

IMPORTANT - Configuring the communication program is only part of the setup process.  Please be sure to complete our Windows Setup instructions when you are done configuring your program.  Failure to do this may result in a system that doesn't work properly and/or unwanted and potentially illegal transmissions.



General Setup Instructions

Virtually every communication program has a "Settings" or "Options" type menu where various operating parameters can be selected.  The setup menus within each program often look different, but the same basic elements or settings (identified below) exist in virtually all programs.  You will need to locate each of these settings within your program's setup menu and make sure that they are set as noted below.  Please note that if you have changed other settings/options in your program that we do not address below, then it's possible that you may have done something that could prevent the program from functioning even if the items that we cover are set correctly.  If you suspect that this might be an issue, then you should uninstall the program, delete the program's folder (do not skip this step or the reinstall will just pickup the old settings!), and then re-install (be sure to first backup any data created that you may wish to save).


DigiPan v2.0

  1. Click the Configure menu and then click Soundcard.

  2. In the new window that opens, select "Computer Sound card" from the Type drop-down menu.   Note that this selection is for the type of interface being used.  The SignaLink USB has its own built-in sound card so "Computer sound card" is the correct type of interface.

  3. Select "USB Audio Codec" in both the Input and Output drop-down menus.  If using Windows Vista/7/8.x/10, then you'll need to select  "Microphone - USB Audio Codec" for Input and "Speakers - USB Audio Codec" for Output.

  4. Click OK when done.

Notes / Tips



  1. Click Setup and select C/S-SoundCard-PTT, then click Soundcard.

  2. In the new window that opens, click on "USB Audio Codec" in BOTH the RX and TX menus, and then click the "Assign" button. If using Windows Vista/7/8.x/10, then you'll need to select  "Speakers - USB Audio Codec" for TX and "Microphone - USB Audio Codec" for RX.

  3. Click Setup and select C/S-SoundCard-PTT, then click VOX.  Note that your radio's VOX feature should be OFF. This setting simply allows the SignaLink USB to control PTT.

  4. Close EasyPal and restart it so that the setup changes take affect.



Initial Installation

NOTE:  You can skip this section and go to "Program Options" below if you have already installed EchoLink for Sysop mode

  1. Select "Sysop" mode and click Next.

  2. Select your Internet Connection type and click Next.

  3. Select "Direct Controlled" and click Next. Note that the com port selection is not used and will be changed later, so the default (COM1) is fine.

  4. Enter your Callsign and other information, and click Next.

  5. Select your geographic location and click Next.

  6. Fire Wall Test - You can perform this test now, or do it later if you have connection problems.

  7. The initial setup of EchoLink is now complete. Please see the steps below to configure EchoLink to work with the SignaLink.

Program Options

  1. Click the "Tools" menu and select "Setup"

  2. On the "Audio" tab, select "USB Audio Codec" for BOTH the "Input Device" and the "Output Device". If using Windows Vista/7/8.x/10, then you'll need to select  "Speakers - USB Audio Codec" for the "Output Device" and "Microphone - USB Audio Codec" for the "Input Device".

  3. Enable the "300Hz TX High-Pass Filter" option and click OK when done.

  4. Click the "Tools" menu and select "Sysop Settings".

    • On the "RX Ctrl" tab, select "VOX". Note that you can adjust the VOX threshold with the slider that appears below the Audio Level indicator at the bottom of the EchoLink screen. Audio coming from the EchoLink internet connection will transmitted by the SignaLink when it is above the VOX slider level.

    • On the "TX Ctrl" tab, select "External VOX". On the "Signals" tab, under "Tone Burst", select "Send at the beginning of each TX". The default frequency is fine, but the duration should be set to 50-100ms. Note that we are using this "tone burst" feature to switch the SignaLink into transmit before the voice is passed to the unit for transmission. This will prevent the first part of the voice transmission from being cut-off, which can sometimes happen if audio levels are too low, or the radio switches to transmit slowly.  If you set the tone burst duration properly (you may need to experiment with it), then the tone will activate PTT but not actually be transmitted by the radio due to its short duration.

  5. Click OK when done.

Notes / Tips



NOTE:   Do NOT use the Setup Wizard interface to configure FLdigi.  Close the Wizard by clicking Finish and follow the steps below.

  1. Click the "Configure" menu and select "Config Dialog".

  2. In the new window that opens, click the "+" symbol next to the "Soundcard" section to expand it.

  3. Click "Devices".

  4. On the right-hand side of the configuration window, click the "PortAudio" check-box to enable it.

  5. Select the SignaLink's "Line - USB Audio Codec" sound card for Capture.

  6. Select the SignaLink's "Speakers - USB Audio Codec" sound card for Playback.

  7. Click the SAVE button to save your settings, then click the CLOSE button (be sure to save your settings before closing this window!).



  1. Click the "Settings" menu and select "General Setup".

  2. Select "USB Audio Codec" for BOTH the "Input" and "Output" soundcard (upper right corner of setup screen).  If using Windows Vista/7/8.x/10, then you'll need to select  "Speakers - USB Audio Codec" for "Output" and "Microphone - USB Audio Codec" for "Input".

  3. In the "PTT Control Setup" box, select "None" for the COM Port, "PTT Using" and "Hard Key CW using".  Uncheck the "PTT to Rig Control" selection box.

  4. On the left side of the setup window, uncheck the "MMTTY FSK mode" selection box.

  5. Rig Control Setup should be set to "None" unless you have a CAT interface.

  6. Click OK when done.

Notes / Tips



  1. Click the "Options" menu and the click "Setup MMTTY".

  2. In the Setup window that opens, click on the SoundCard tab.

  3. Under "Reception", select "USB Audio Codec".

  4. Under "Transmission", select "USB Audio Codec"

  5. Click OK.


Notes / Tips



  1. At the top of the MRP40 window click the "Options" menu, then click "TX Settings", and then click "Send via soundcard".

  2. In the "Soundcard" window that opens, click the "Select Rx Soundcard" drop down menu and select "Line - USB Audio Codec". Next, click the "Select Tx Soundcard" drop down menu and select "Speakers - USB Audio Codec". Once you have selected both the RX and TX sound card, click the "X" in the upper right corner of the window to close it.

  3. In the RS232 Com Port Configuration window that is open, the default settings should be used so that no COM Port is selected (the SignaLink does *NOT* use a COM Port). The "COM Port Number" should be "0" and "Disable PTT function" should be checked. Click the "X" in the upper right corner of the window to close it.

  4. This completes the setup of MRP40. Please take some time to read the program's documentation so that you know how to use it properly.



NOTE:  Before configuring VarAC, be sure to see the VARA HF Modem setup link to insure that the VARA HF Modem program is properly configured.  VarAC is a feature-rich program that has many options.  The setup information provided here is the minimum needed for the system to be functional.  As with any digital mode, you'll want to take some time to read available support information ("Getting Started" guides, etc.) and familiarize yourself with it.


  1. From the menu at the top of the VarAC program window, click "Settings", then click "My Information".

  2. Enter your callsign, QTH, Name and grid locator, then click Save & Exit.

  3. Click the "Settings" menu again and then click "Rig Control & Vara Configuration".

  4. Under "PTT Configuration" select "VOX/None".

  5. Under "Frequency Control" select "None".

    NOTE:  If you have a CAT/CIV cable for frequency control then you can select the appropriate option to use with it.  Note that this is **NOT** the
    cable that attaches to the SignaLink.  A CAT/CIV cable always uses a different jack on the radio and is specifically for CAT/CIV control only.

  6. Click Save & Exit.


Vara HF Modem


NOTE:  This section covers the setup of the VARA HF Modem program only.  It does not cover the setup of other software that uses the VARA HF Modem (VarAC, WinLink, etc.), so be sure that your other comms program is also properly configured.


  1. From the menu at the top of the VARA HF program window, click "Settings", then click "VARA Setup".

  2. The "TCP Ports" section defaults should be correct, so we suggest leaving them alone unless you have specific instructions on how to change them to work with your program.

  3. Under the "VARA Licenses" section, enter your Callsign and Registration Key (if applicable).

  4. The "Kiss Interface" option should be enabled for APRS programs, VarAC and VARA Chat.  This option should NOT be enabled for WinLink.

  5. The "CW ID" option may be required for U.S. Hams.  We have not confirmed this, so please do your own research before using this program.

  6. Click the "Close" button when done.

  7. Click the "Settings" menu again and then click "Sound Card".

  8. Both "Device Input" and "Device Output" must be set to the SignaLink's sound card ("Line - USB Audio Codec" and "Speakers - USB Audio Codec").

  9. Set the "Drive Level" slider to -5db.  Assuming that you adjusted the Windows sliders properly as outlined in the SignaLink USB manual, this is a good starting point that will provide PTT activation and a usable Transmit Audio level for most

  10. Click the "Tune" button to put the system in Transmit and generate a test tone.  Adjust the SignaLink's TX knob for the desired output power (as shown on a watt meter or the radio's Power Output meter function) and then confirm that your radio's ALC meter reading is low and/or in the normal range.

  11. Click the "Tune" button again to stop transmitting.

  12. Click the "Close" button when done.

  13. The SignaLink's RX knob should be adjusted for a good reading on the "VU" meter (lower left corner of the VARA HF Modem window).


WinLink Express - VARA FM


WinLink Setup

  1. Start the WinLink program.

  2.  In the Open Session menu, select "Vara FM Winlink" and then click Open Session.

  3.  In the new Vara FM WinLink window that opens, click Settings, then click Vara TNC Setup.

  4. In the new window that opens, these are the settings that we use:

    Virtual TNC host address/name:      
    Virtual TNC Command Port:                8300

    Data Port:                8301
    VARA FM Modem Location:                This must point to the VARAFM.EXE file location on your computer.

    Automatically launch VARA TNC:                Enabled


VARA Modem Setup

  1. In the Vara modem program, click Settings, then click Vara Setup. We have the following menu items set:

    TNC Command Port:                8300 (this matches the Winlink setting)
    TNC Data Port:                8301 (this matches the Winlink setting)
    FM System:                Wide (we were testing the Wide mode)
    Retries:                2 (default)

    Note that your callsign will need to be set.  A registration key will also be needed for the Wide mode (this is not needed for the Narrow mode).

  2.  Click Settings, then click Soundcard.  Device Input and Device Output *MUST* be set to the SignaLink's USB Audio Codec sound card.  See our VARA Information page at for details on setting the Drive Level and other tips.

  3.  Click Settings, then click PTT.  The PTT type must be set to VOX. Note that you do NOT turn on the radio's VOX feature.  The SignaLink will handle PTT.


HRD / DM-780 / Digital Master 780

  1. Press the F8 key to open the Program Options screen, or go to "Tools" then "Program Options".

  2. In the new window that opens, click the "Soundcard" tab.

  3. Under "Input", select "USB Audio Codec". If using Windows Vista/7/8.x/10, then you'll need to select  "Microphone - USB Audio Codec" for Input.

  4. Under "Output", check the "Use Input Device" check box to set the output sound card to the same one used for the input side.

  5. If available in your version of DM-780 (newer versions don't have this option), under the "Output" attenuator, select "0db". Do NOT select any other setting here, or the audio output will be lowered and the SignaLink's PTT circuit may not function correctly.

  6. Click the "PTT" tab and select "ROC" if your version of DM-780 displays this option.  If it does not, then select "None - Via soundcard PTT or radio VOX".

  7. Close the setup window when done.

Notes / Tips



  1. Click File, then click Settings.

  2. In the new window that opens, click the General tab and enter your call in the My Call text box.

  3. Click the Radio tab and select "None" in the Rig drop-down menu.  Select "Vox" as the PTT Method.  Note that your radio's VOX setting should be OFF.  This setting simply allows the SignaLink USB to control PTT.

  4. Click the Audio tab and select "USB Audio Codec" for both the Input and Output sound card.  If using Windows Vista/7/8.x/10, then you'll need to select  "Microphone - USB Audio Codec" for "Input" and "Speakers - USB Audio Codec" for "Output".

  5. Click the OK button to close the Settings window.

  6. Set the "PWR" slider on the WSJT-X main window (right-hand side of screen) to the second notch from the top (roughly -5.1db).  Note that if you lower this slider too much the SignaLink USB will NOT switch into transmit!  See details below.

  7. WSJT-X is a complex program so please take some time to read the WSJT-X users guide!

Notes / Tips


Tigertronics - All Rights Reserved  |  BayPac, SignaLink, Auto-PTT, and TigerTrak are trademarks of Tigertronics
APRS is a trademark of Bob Bruninga  |  EchoLink is a trademark of Synergenics, LLC
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners