Jeff writes:
Hiya! I wanted to tell you of my experiences with the BP-2M modem. I have
used it to make many local packet contacts and have had a lot of fun doing
so, but here recently I had gotten the urge to do a bit more with it. Here
comes the cool part... using my HP200LX Palmtop PC, BayCom 1.6 software,
BayPac 2M modem, Yaesu FT50R 5 watt HT and a coat hanger antenna (5 coat
hangers and a SO-239 connector), I managed to contact R0MIR-1 via the Mir
space station and leave a message for the crew! I followed this the next
evening by both leaving a message for a friend, and then reading a couple of
the messages before I lost contact with the space station. Not bad for such
a "small" station with low power, huh?
Having connected to Mir several times from my house I decided to try
something a bit more "exciting". I know that there was an
article in QST about an amateur that frequently worked
mobile packet via his palmtop PC and the BayPac modem, but I think that I
have pushed it to the limit (grin). I am the Reserve Patrol Captain with the
Jefferson County Sheriff's Department in Birmingham, Alabama. Usually
while on patrol I work the local 2M and 70cm repeaters, but the other night, things
were kinda slow and I went ahead with my experiment...
Using the same set-up as described above (with the exception of using my MFJ dual
band mag-mount 1/4 wave antenna), I connected to R0MIR-1 from my patrol car (Big Grin)!
I used STS Orbit by David Ransom to track the satellite on my HP200LX. Once I was
about 5 minutes from being able to acquire it, I fired up BayCom and soon enough
started to see the call signs flying past on the monitor window as various stations
called CQ. I got lucky and was able to connect to R0MIR-1 and enter a message!!!
It was one of the biggest thrills of my life! It really gave me a sense of accomplishment.
Even though other people have used their BP-2M's for mobile packet, how many
can say the have worked a Russian space station from a police car? How's
that for a testimonial for your products? By the way, I have sent my QSL
card off to the manager of the Mir QSL cards and am patiently waiting to get
my Mir card in return.
Thanks for bringing quality products to the amateur community.
73 de KF4KGQ
Jeff Johns
Jeff invites you to check out the
LX Packeteer Page, which is dedicated to BayPac and BayCom users.